
plippydacountess's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,104 (From 160 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 18,295 Points

Hauling Ass

Medals Earned: 6/6 (180/180 points)

Win 10 Points

Beat his ass

Lose 5 Points

Your ass got beat

"You may slap it once" 5 Points

Beat Singleplayer on Easy

Wide Load 10 Points

Beat Singleplayer on Medium

Hard-on 50 Points

Beat Singleplayer on Hard

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Hi Stepford

Medals Earned: 10/10 (310/310 points)

Mew 100 Points

Begin your Stepford experience

Meow 5 Points

Pet Stepford once

Miao 5 Points

Pet Stepford 10 times

Purr 10 Points

Pet Stepford 100 times

Nya 50 Points

Pet Stepford 1000 times

Hiss 100 Points

Pet Stepford 10000 times

Nyeow 25 Points

Pet Stepford 8 times in 1 second

Purrr purr 5 Points

Activate hammer mode

Myah 5 Points

Bonk Stepford

Nyahh 5 Points

Enter the milk dimension

Highschool Bathroom Simulator

Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)

High BS Tolerance 10 Points

Find an empty stall


Medals Earned: 8/8 (500/500 points)

Halfway There 25 Points

Hold it in 30 seconds

Hold on for one more day 25 Points

Hold on 80 seconds

Clean Getaway 50 Points

Complete Story Mode

Just hold on we're going home 50 Points

Hold on 100 seconds

Son... 50 Points

Get poop on dad 20 times.

Hold on to your friends 100 Points

Hold on 150 seconds

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Homestuck FreshJamz Collab

Medals Earned: 3/3 (40/40 points)

Who are these douchebags 5 Points

Check credits section

Thanks for playing 10 Points

Listen to all songs

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

How to follow me on newgrounds

Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

How to Make Basic B

Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

idiot simulator

Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)

idiot 5 Points


Idle Pinata

Medals Earned: 6/6 (30/30 points)

BlueNata 5 Points

50 Shades of Blue

Getting Started 5 Points

You destroyed your first Pinata!

Pinkata 5 Points

For the girly type!

Striped! 5 Points

Almost like a Zebra!

Turtles 5 Points

I was born in the wrong shell!

Yummy! 5 Points

Pinatas made of Chocolate!

Infiltrating the Airship

Medals Earned: 19/19 (645/645 points)

Barnyard Blitz 5 Points

It sure is animaly in here

Buttery Snack 5 Points

Yum Yum

Gold 5 Points

Is it edible?

Kredit 2 Team 10 Points

Credit where credit is due

Music Enthusiast 10 Points

Listen to a song used in the game

You Win! 10 Points

Good job!

Bound to the Earth 25 Points

Oh my goodNess!

Famous Movie Line 25 Points

Well, maybe not THAT famous

The Last Fantasy 25 Points

Should've kept you Locke-d up

Rank GAPI 50 Points

You Won!

Rank PBT 50 Points

You Won!

Rank RBH 50 Points

You Won!

Rank RPE 50 Points

You Won!

Biggoron's Sword 100 Points

Legend has it the Toppat's have this sword

Failpocalypse 100 Points

Fail a Total of 100 Times

Master of Fails 100 Points

Get All 60 Unique Fails

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!